The Time magazine in its issue dated March 24, 2011, has published the answers of General (retd) Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan, to 10 Questions. A quick glance through these answers reveals that the former dictator still lives in hope and dreams of returning, as the savoir of Pakistan, who will be received by a tumulus reception. By contrast, here in Pakistan, there are arrest warrants for him, and a talk of requesting the Interpol for his arrest and return to the country.
General (retd) Musharraf had nine long years directing the destiny of Pakistan during which the internal situation went from bad to worse, and the country is still reeling under unstable conditions. He states that he wants to return “for the sake of Pakistan” otherwise he is “very comfortable.” His governance was very successful, so he claims. But how do we in Pakistan measure the success he achieved?
He plunged us in the American war on terror that has brought all its atrocities and mayhem into our homes, markets and places of worships. We witness terror attacks on our schools, security installations, shrines and religious processions in which hundreds have died. If this is the success that he achieved during his nine-year rule, there is a strong feeling that Pakistan will be better off without him.
It is said that power corrupts, but now one feels that power also dulls ones mental faculties and ability to analyse. Had not this been the case, the ex-dictator would not have equated Pakistan’s destiny with his return. In his perception, “Pakistan is suffering” and it is his destiny to return to “fill the leadership vacuum; maybe it is a call of destiny much more for the nation than for myself.” This is self-praise at its highest. When one has such a bloated image of himself and his abilities, there is no power on earth that can convince him otherwise.
One recalls his last address to the nation - when he announced his resignation from the office - in which he appeared down to earth and humble. He had to bow down to popular demand. But he was lucky that he commanded a measure of loyalty and respect in the army, and had a compromising civilian leadership, which facilitated his dignified and respectable exit. Had the “will of the people” - he advocates in case of Gaddafi - been in his favour, he would not have left the presidency. Pakistan suffered a leadership vacuum while he called the shots and made decisions; his actions and decisions plunged the country into worst national and international crises. There is no hope that he can bring about better leadership, although now some diehard loyalist may think otherwise.
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