
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Want to become a millionaire?

If you have a targeted amount you're aiming to save in the next 5 or 10 years, such as $1 million by the end of 2021 then you'll need a savings plan.
To develop a savings plan you'll need to know how much to save/invest each year taking into account investment growth. To take the hard work out of calculating your required annual savings, InvestSMART has created a spreadsheet calculator that will provide you with the approximate amount you'll need to save/invest annually to achieve your goal.
Simply select your time frame 5 or 10 years, whether you will be using savings/cash as your investment vehicle or investing in shares and/or managed funds and then you'll need the amount you'd like to have acquired by the end of that period and we'll tell you how much you'll need to save annually to achieve this goal.
If you're going to be investing in shares and/or managed funds to reach your goal use the below button ‘calculate investing goals’.

And, if you're planning on using cash/savings as your investment vehicle click below button ‘calculate cash goals’ to find out your approximate required annual savings.

Why not try both calculators to determine what products will best help you meet your goal, while not having to sacrifice more risk than you feel comfortable.
Now that you've calculated approximately how much you need to save annually to reach your financial goal, check out the range of products available to help you reach these goals:

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